Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summer Vacation is Over :(

Sadly summer vacation is over. It seems like Joshua just went on summer break back in May. Here we are again in August with school starting again but not only do we have one child going to school we now have two. Joshua is now in the 2nd grade and now our other little boy is now in kindergarten. This week was busy for us. Thursday we had kindergaten orientation, followed by meeting the teacher. I am very happy with Tylers teacher and I hope he has a great year with her. Joshua started school Friday morning and his teacher also seems very nice. We got up this morning and went and registered both boys in soccer, which we are very excited about. Monday I am taking Tyler to his kindergarten evaluation and he offically starts school on Thursday. I have no idea what Emily and I are going to do with out both of the boys here all day.

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